Summer of Socks ’15



This was the summer of not knitting socks. Or knitting much of anything really. I kind of wonder if people still knit.


Texas and I did things that involved staying cool. There wasn’t a lot of jiu jitsu on my part because it was just too hot and I only have so many tablespoons. I think we rode bikes together once, maybe twice when that cold front came through.  He may have been crazy enough to go out, but well, he is a boy.

We never got to that second camping trip because the temperatures hit 108 and we really didn’t need to see what would happen to the things in my head. We ended up in New Braunfels and San Antonio instead. Rafting the river was so relaxing. Kayaking was awesome because I could pretty much dump myself into the water if I got too hot or just float with the current if I got too tired.

My body has definitely noticed the whole “taking it easy” trend and I can’t wait until it cools off and I can try to work out regularly again. (aka, I gained weight)

We added Hannibal I mean Harry to our little family. We spent a horrific amount of time trolling Fort Worth (or FTW as people like to shorten it to) for nicer neighborhoods and decently reviewed apartment complexes.  Neither of us completely lost our shit on the neighbors here. I am surprisingly ready to pack all this up and GTFO.


So, knitting.  I have the wash cloth that I cast on the day before our camping trip.  I know. A wash cloth. I totally didn’t care if it got sweaty or wet or dirty or whatever happens when you do ALL the things out doors. I started it July 24th and finished it today. Details here if you’re really interested.  I’m even fixin’ ta cast on another in the opposite colors.

I knit a little on that Julia that some Aussie chick made me start. I had to rip it back a bit because I seriously overestimated my knitting while drugged abilities. I’m back on track and about ready to change colors. YEAH!

Other than that, I bought yarn for a sweater knit along that starts tonight. (Obviously I’m not there. People! Blerg!) I might cast on for it tomorrow while Texas is at the Farm. Oh, and I’m considering doing a serious de-stash since we’re downsizing when we move.

Happy Fall Y’all!

Sunday Sock – Not My Sock Edition



Cookie made me do it! Well, kind of. It’s Sunday, it’s summer, she’s busy having a life or whatever and I’m a slacker.

I got all bossy and made her send me a picture of her sock in progress. No, I don’t have any details. I didn’t ask. Like I said, she’s busy.

Besides, if I had to carry the Sunday Sock post, she had to carry the knitting.

I have been knitting on my socks. Swears! It’s been hot, so I’ve been dvr-ing bad nighttime t.v. (hello Housewives and Southern Fried Homicide) and watching it while knitting. At least until I pass out sometime around 1 p.m. every day.

Someone talked me through the first 10 minutes of Sharknado, but I haven’t been able to make myself watch it yet.

Today? It’s the end of the world because of the whole east-to-west storm system. We’re right on the edge of it, so it has been cloudy and cool (we didn’t even hit 80 degrees today) but no rain. If it actually rains, I might go out and dance in it.

Did you knit socks today? Or just rip off someone else’s hard work?

Happy Sunday y’all!



Sunday Sock – Indecision Edition

One Spring Forward done. Woo!?!  Also pictured is the progress on Crusoe and last year’s SoS second sock.

I’m plugging away on the soul sucking plain stockinette socks while others decide my fate. Right now, the poll is tied for working on on the stockinette of doom and starting the second Spring Forward. So, if anyone wants to go in and vote, (for say starting a new sock all together) feel free to.

Luckily, Texas is working all weekend, so I have had time for knitting. Between turkey relocation and breaking the phone in my cleavage (not really, but we’ll just let her think that).

I’m back to a phone I bought 4 years ago. I’m affectionately calling it the Fisher Price phone.  I gave my new-old one a try this morning and if it works again tomorrow, I’ll reactivate it. I mean, it’s running on 3G. I can’t even twitter from it!!! I know, first world problems and all that.

Happy Sunday people!  What are y’all doing today?


Sunday Sock – Snowflake Edition

Since some people are out having a life and there are socks in a box somewhere, I’m leading the Sunday Sock parade this week. But not stealing it, I did speak to her first. Swears!

It was either this or more farm animals.

Yeah, so, um… none are finished. But you know I had to share the crazy/ speshulness. I cast on for  the tan and white ones last Monday. I’m working on the heel now.  The plain stockinette blue ones are soul suckers, but I would really like to finish the pair and made myself cast on the second sock. However, I needed something semi-interesting, non-soul sucking, and yet easy to remember, so I cast on for Crusoe on Wednesday.

I’m not really following any of the directional directions on any of the socks. Toe up, magic cast on and CCSR heels.

Did I mention that when the little old geezer nice man put on my donut, he didn’t tighten all of the lug nuts quite enough and I lost some on the ride home?  We’ve determined that I have a speshul snowflake car, so that might have had something to do with it.  I’m hoping the new tires make it in tomorrow so I can have my car back.  No matter how snowflake she is, I love her.*

How are your socks going?

Have a happy Sockday y’all!

*If only you knew how many people/things that applied to in my life.

Manic Monday – Memorial Day Edition

Sometimes it is good to have someone to talk things* through with. Sometimes, that person may end up regretting it. I now have ALL the perky!

So much so, I decided to tackle this mess:


And turn it into this:


Before noon. On a Monday. Granted, it is a holiday Monday, but we can just skip right over that part.

And, we won’t talk about how it got that bad to begin with. Luckily, there were quite a few unpacked boxes from over a year ago, so it moved pretty fast. I was also able to recycle some clothing that is now too big.

Just ignore the fact that I may be anal enough to not only hang my t-shirts, but also to organize them by color. Be glad I didn’t go full throttle and iron them today too.

≡  ≡  ≡


Hey look! One finished sock! It’s hanging out with the one that I cast on for this morning for the first day of Summer of Socks. I don’t know where this is going.  At the end of the summer I’ll either have a couple of  pairs of socks or a bunch of yarn balls attached to needles. You know me.

With the cockamamie scheme I came up with, I could totally make a schtick out of this Manic Monday Sock thing. But that would be stealing and we don’t do that.

≡  ≡  ≡

Happy Monday people! Go forth and enjoy the week!

I’m going to try to find where the awesome post I wrote went to. Have you seen it?

*Things just ended up being an over-the-counter thing that was making me  feel all drunk and disorderly for half the day.

Sunday Sock – The SoS ’13/ CMMDI Edition

made me

Yeah, you know she’s making me do the whole Summer of Socks thing again this summer. (And you too. Yes you! You have to play along) So we’re counting it for SoS ’13 and CMMDI.  A whole summer’s worth of not having to think about what the heck I’m knitting or not knitting. Perhaps just cuddling up with a martini and a skein of sock yarn and pretending I’m queen of everything. (Although that job may be taken already)


This is my sock in progress. From last SoS. Don’t think about it too hard. It is resting upon my “plan” for this year’s Summer of Socks. Bags, patterns in my queue, blah, blah, and blah. You get the idea, right?


I made Texas take the blame for any problems and had him rustle around in the box to pick my first yarn.  This is what he came up with. Vintage Lorna’s Laces in the Aslan color way. Kind of boring. I bought it while I still lived in California,  if that gives you any indication of how long it has been in my stash. Yeah. Don’t think about that too hard either.



Perhaps, we should just not think about anything too hard for the rest of the holiday weekend. Or the rest of the summer.  What ever works for you. Because Cookie has declared that we’re not doing drama or stress this year.  How refreshing!

Happy Sunday Sock y’all!

The crazy train has left the station.

If she tells you something, you may as well listen to her. She is usually right.

2013-05-19 14.03.27

That poorly lit picture is one ball of crocheted chain. To give myself credit, I finished one. The thought of making 9 more made me want to give myself a lobotomy with the crochet hook.

Sooooo, I’ve done nothing since.  Not a stitch on anything. If I use the giant needles, there is still hope to get something else done for Mega May.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

made me

However, Summer of Socks is here! That is going to be the bulk of my CMMDI for the WHOLE summer. I like that there is no competition this year. It reminds me when it started and it was just a bunch of bloggers connecting through knitting socks together. I love relaxed, no pressure things.

We’re also going to blame her for any spinning done during the Tour de Fleece. If you do that kind of thing.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

I chipped a tooth last night. On a piece of bacon.

Yeah. Think about that.

It was thick and over cooked (most likely reheated in the microwave). Actually, it was more like broke the filling and a little piece of tooth. Also, it is a tooth I had filled more than 20 years ago.  (am I really old enough to say 20 years ago?)

Someone offered to hold a prayer circle and perhaps sing Kumbaya.  *snort*

That is when I actually go to the dentist. I called 9 places today and they were either closed or closing early and couldn’t fit me in. Small towns and holiday weekends.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Here is something to think about for later in the summer/ early fall. I’ve been playing with my looms a bit  and we may need to blame her for some type of weave along. That is if I can pressure Angie (and anyone else who has one to play with).  I’m using the term loom loosely. Rigid heddle, inkle, weavette, knitting, loop, or just a piece of cardboard.

Today, I’m going to indulge myself with a Real Housewives of New Jersey marathon.  It makes my life feel much less crazy. Hopefully, I’ll pick up some sticks and string and have something to show for it by Monday.

What are you doing this weekend?

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Happy weekend y’all!

Sunday Sock – Squishy Edition

Look! Knitting. Here. Really.

SoS1 004

Being modeled last week at the relaxing pool in Fresno. Yes Cookie, I was wearing sunscreen. (If you can call Omen a sunscreen *ahem*)

  • Pattern: CCSR
  • Needles: Addi Turbo US2
  • Yarn: Claudia Hand Paint in Pink Ice or Pink Cloud or something that I’m too lazy to look up.
  • Time: June 21, 2008 – July 24, 2008 They would have been done sooner had I not gone out and lived a little.

Actual conversation from yesterday:

Big Dave: (gives big bear hug) Hey there.
Stoopid Girl: (starts crying)
Big Dave: It’s ok
Stoopid Girl: (sniffles)
Big Dave: Do we need to hurt someone?
Stoopid Girl: (sniffles some more) I.. I… I think I have a boyfriend
<edit out personal stuff>
Big Dave: Oh my god, you do have a heart.
Stoopid Girl: (giggles)
Big Dave: Hey guys, our Stacey *is* a girl!

I’ve known these guys for 3 years (well, except CougarBait… wait for that story), met their wives and kids and never really talked to them about anything but work and bullshit. Guess it’s a side effect of the icky squishy stuff. Dave had a really sweet story about how he and his wife met. Barry had a freaky one involving a “specialty” store that I think I hurt myself laughing at.

And CougarBait ™. Hmmmm. Well, I didn’t know he was going to be there. He’s a little butt hurt, but I think he finally figured out that I never did like him that way. (hence the HELL NO and the reason he was no longer fun to play with) He got a little snippy and whiny and said some mean things. But Dave put him in his place.

I swear I’m really not that cruel.


This may be coming home with me sometime in the future. After perusing the gun store and talking about what I wanted in a gun, the guy recommended the Glock 30. Can you say suuuuh-weeeeet! They didn’t have one in stock, but he ordered it and started the paperwork for me to own it. When it gets in, if I don’t like it’s feel or how it shoots, I don’t have to take it. But he does have a nice little Ruger for me for target shooting as a backup.

I believe I remember someone saying “One .45 is good, two are better”. 😀 So maybe I’ll have my first one soon.

And for those inquiring minds… I only did two hours at the gym yesterday. I don’t think you’ll need to send the men in the little white coats.

Mondays are for KALs

Subtitle: My brain melted this weekend and I have nothing.

Look! Knitting!

sos 1 001

A sock.  Imagine that.  What with Summer of Socks having started on Saturday. I didn’t get that far, but I may have been a little distracted.

sos 1 013

I know, not knitting and not that impressive unless you have something to compare it to.  Trust me, I got a bunch done.

/ insert picture of cut fabric here

Oh, even more impressive, huh?  Because I love you all enough not to bore you with an actual picture of all but one fabric cut into strips and squares.

sos 1 011

I may have also been a little unfaithful to my first SoS sock.  Because the little yarn cake screamed “KNIT ME” every time I walked past it.

That part may have been a delusion.

I said it was hot.

Because I’m so good at multitasking, these socks fit SoS, MM08 AND my summer goals.

What about Knit w/Nora?  Nora who?  Huh?  I don’t recall having knitterly relations with that woman.  Fine.  Icarus may have packed it’s bags, changed it’s name and is hanging out with Mary.

Grace and Brenda are back the 14th of July (yeah!) and I can’t wait.  Combine those two with Mary and Nancy, and I have some good knitting time this summer.

Cold Beer and Frozen Vodka

It is officially the start of SoS. Thanks to the early warning system, I got in. (I think I may have whined a bit last summer) *ahem*

/looks all sweet an innocent

I got these off my needles:

cookie cutter 005

  • Cookie Cutter Footies
  • Start: 11 June 08
  • End: 18 June 08
  • Pattern: Stockinette with the super secret short row tutorial.
  • Lessons Learned: Short row toes and heels.

I may never knit flaps again.

But, back to phpDlltSc

I wound these:

SOS 002

And I stayed up late just to start these:

SOS 006

FINE! I didn’t just stay up to knit them. You can’t get away with ANYTHING around here!

I may have been indulging in some frozen vodka. Because it was one of those weeks. CB came over and offered to dig right in and start the reconstruction of the back yard and while quite tempting, I thought booze was better.

Finally, just for Sandy, my Saturday Sky:


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