The cold cometh


Since it’s been so cold, I’ve been diligently working on my sock yarn afghan. It’s been nice to sit underneath it as it grows. However, it is also a little boring.

I may have started another pair of socks. Yeah, yeah. I know I have three other pairs started. But they’re cotton! I needed a wool pair.

And someone to finish my WIP’s.

Whatever. It will give Texas something to figure out when I’m dead.

Happy Thursday y’all!

I’m all about the bass

And if I hear that song one more time, I might get all stabby.

So, yeah. October. This is my favorite month. Autumn! Cooler weather! Leaves changing …um, unless you live here. Halloween!

All I have today is a sock yarn afghan. And a desire to weave something.


Happy October y’all!

I think there is a conspiracy afoot*

I need to learn crochet enough to make one of these. I like the stained glass version too.  I think I’m going to end up at the lake for a few hours (or days) picking brains.

I’m running away to Dallas twice this week. Once to be a research subject and once for a luncheon with local NMO peeps and The Wizard. I’m still debating the luncheon. Something about denial and/or just wanting to rest.

Maybe I’ll pretend I’m going and have a day for me away from the farm. Maybe I’ll just meet my husband for lunch in town.

I didn’t get as far as I wanted in the past week, but I started one of these before I met Texas. I guess it’s a win?  I have a goal for next week, so bring on the bad daytime television!

Happy Monday y’all!

*to keep me busy and tired I mean, I started this post at 10 a.m.

I think I was hit by a bus*


SoS ’13 is winding down. YEAH!!! I am one repeat and some ribbing from finishing one pair, have one footie completed and I finished the pair I started during SoS ’12.  Not bad for the arm. (Which I am going to address with a doctor, after much gnashing, wailing and denial)

made me

With that done, (and eating up 3 months of the year) we needed a plan. So for the September portion of Cookie Made Me Do It, after much** discussion, we’re veering down a different kind of fiber path. Needlework.

Needlework is a broad term for the handicrafts of decorative sewing and textile arts. Anything that uses a needle for construction can be called needlework. The definition may expand to include related textile crafts such as a crochet hook, or tatting shuttles.

Since the definition of it is pretty broad, all y’all can play along. You! Yes! I am talking to you.

Embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crocheting, and I think even weavettes should count since you use a needle to weave. Right?!?  And if we’re going down that road, since a crochet hook counts, couldn’t we technically say an orifice hook and some wool counts too?

◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊

In other news, I really need to stop watching Monsters Inside Me. Or I need to make other people watch it with me. (They’re showing 5 or 6 in a row today) It’s interesting and informative, but DUDE!  People who may have certain tendencies for cleanliness probably shouldn’t watch it.

* It’s either the infusion, or someone actually did throw me under the bus somewhere. Just sayin’

**If by much, I mean one blog comment and an e-mail or two. Oh, and not actually asking Cookie this time since she’s busy and tired over there.

While the cat’s away…

She did a bunch of crochet. Shut up, my brain is melting.

I hung out at the lake yesterday and forced my momma to go over the basics with me again.


Hers is on top. We were using the same yarn, same pattern, and I had a larger needle.

I may have had tension issues.


By this morning, I thought I was doing better, but I kept on making pasties. Do you think I can find a market for that?

Someone suggested I try the magic loop crochet thing and I ended up with finger cots.


Yeah. Well.

What are all y’all doin’ today?


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