Saturday Sky – who’s paying attention today anyway

angie point

If you see this woman, give her a big hug for me.

I was diligently looking for a nice Eye Candy picture when I hear a huge sucking sound and realized that it wasn’t the sound of life this time, but of 20,000 knit blogger being sucked out of the internetz and into the fun that is Rhinebeck.

Y’all have a good time, stay dry and warm and FFS, don’t sprain the credit card arms or go all deaf and shit from all the *squeee* – ing.

ECF – WI Edition*

Angie 021Angie 022

Angie 023

The cutest little yarnshop/cafe ever!  If you’re in the Madison, WI area, you must go.  Must.  (technically, it’s Verona, WI – but not being from the area that really means nothing to me) It’s where I bought the yarn for my SYE because Angie is way more evil than I amd led me down the path of ruin – several times.  Lunch there was local cheeses from a local community thing.  Grass fed cows and goats and all that.  The salad dressing wasn’t that good, but the cheese.  Sweet tiny baby Jebus!  I love cheese. Love.  No, really… LOVE cheese!

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Friday Fill-In’s for your bored internet surfing.

1. So are we going to hell in a handbasket?
2. Weeks of physical therapy is what’s up ahead.
3. I love to text with Carrie all day long.
4. It’s an adventure of some sort.
5. I walk a _weird, dark and twisty road.
6. Squish is the true elixir of life!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing shampooing the living room, tomorrow my plans include going to the Edom Festival of the Arts and Sunday, I want to veg!

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Happy Friday y’all!

*yep, still milking the WI trip because I’m way too lazy to take pictures of the thwacked yak and do the last row and cast off for the SYE.

Friday Eye Candy – WI Edition

Because I’m such a slacker and I’m finally getting around to blogging about the WI trip, I give you a yarn store!

Angie 006

This is Nora looking all smart and knitterly in Fiberwood Studio.  It was my favorite shop in Milwaukee.  I think I bought my Habu scarf kit thingy there.  The store had an amazing selection of weaving fibers and I could move to WI just for this store and The Sow’s Ear.

I can’t find the picture of the cute little place we ate lunch at, but I do have fried cheese curds!  YUM!


I’ll have more once I get my butt off of Ravelry and Farm Town.

Random Re-entry Thoughts

01. I either have extreme self restraint or am totally exhausted.

02. I’m unpacking in stages.  Last night was the dirty laundry and washing it.  And the hamper full of stuff I didn’t do before I left.

03. I might fold it today. Or not.

04. Cheese curds are good.  Fried cheese curds are better.


05. If I ever untangle all the cords (laptop, camera, phone) I might finish downloading pictures off my phone and move the ones from my laptop to my computer.

06 It rained here the week I was gone and it was colder in Dallas than Chicago yesterday. It’s still raining.

07. Allergy season.  In Texas.  Thinking of heading North again.

08. Angie and Dan showed me a fun way of cooking/eating.  Which makes me glad I cleaned out my fridge before I left because the grocery shopping today is going to be fun with a capital F.

09. I’m baking bread today.  Well, after I pick up some yeast that might actually be active.

10. Wisconsin TSA doesn’t even blink when they see a wedge shaped unidentified thing in your bags.  Chicago however will pull you aside and search your bags to determine it is just a piece of cheese.

11. Thank dog I cleaned before I left.  Although I’m trying to figure out how it got so damn dusty in a week.

12. I would prefer to stay in my jammies and play with yarn today, but I do need some basic supplies and have to get a box or two or five in the mail.

13.  I don’t like coming home to an empty house and it made missing Texas seem just a tad bit worse than normal.

14.  I think my dog missed me.  A lot.  She even made it onto the bed last night on her own.  Which says a bunch since she is almost 12 and has bad hips.

15.  I’m trying to sort through my email and figure out who I responded to and didn’t while in WI.  Web mail was nice, but I didn’t delete it and it all downloaded to my mail program last night.  I think I’m just going to start fresh with yesterday’s email.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

Angie Day 6

Subtitle: I haz sad

Sub-subtitle: does it count as Day 6 if it’s not a whole day?

Sub-sub-subtitle: How long do you think I can drag this trip out in blog posts.

Wow.  Just wow.  I still don’t think I can summarize the week yet. Of course that could be the severe lack of sleep, late nights, walking for 6 hours carrying 50 pounds of wool festival booty, or the really good food.  (I’m trying to figure if it would be uncouth to invite Angie and Dan down and have Dan cook all the meals.)

I’m amazed at how few pictures I took. (although I didn’t download all I could of them off of my crackberry yet)  I am however not amazed at the lack of knitting.  There was way too much fun to be had.

artsy fartsy bee

Including Cookie’s “shawl of doom” ™ that she knit for me.  You’ll have to ask her about the detail-details. I know it’s The Honeybee Stole and the yarn was some type of jaggerspun super-tiny lace stuff.

Angie honeybee

I couldn’t knit it and she was nice enough to do it for me. Although I don’t know if she is talking to me yet.  O.o  The thing is huge.  HUGE.  It took up most of my guest room in the blocking. We’re guestimating it at least 10 feet.  (I had to get creative and unbend hangers and used over 150 t pins and a bunch of the yellow balled quilt pins to boot.)  If I get more blocking wires, it could go longer.

how big

Don’t those Wisconsinites look happy?  Ya, yabetchya!

My plane should be here shortly and I’m excited to return home and be reuinited with my new stash.

Happy Monday y’all!

Angie Day 5

Overwhelmed, exhausted, well fed and well stashed.  It’s been amazing and I’m not ready to summarize yet.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

But, just because I loves you all and I am The Squish… here is the haul:


Varied and maybe  a little schizophrenic.  Everything from knitting to spinning to embroidery to punchneedle to rug hooking.

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Some of the highlights were:


a chakra charka (happy Carrie? I’m tired, stop picking on  me)


alpaca knit scarf with embroidery


a trindle


silk cocoons

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

When I get back home and rested and have gathered my thoughts, I’ll have a better post.  Pinky swear.  (maybe)

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Happy Sheboygan Sunday y’all!

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