Time keeps on ticking

We aren’t getting any younger here. As evidenced by my mom turning 73. She just kept saying she never thought she would make it to 40, let alone 73. Part of her gift was these little face cloths.

I’ve finally put the Canadian drama yarn socks to bed. After darning them 3 times, I just can’t anymore. I guess I’ll have to get on that knitting socks thing. After I finish my mom’s size 11 pair. Luckily, they are with worsted, (but still, size 11!) which is easier on my floppy paw. (I totally need a more positive name for that thing) However, I injured my left arm in the Great Sleeping Incident ’18.

When the GSI’18 happened, I warped my loom, hoping to catch up on the Spunky Eclectic Weaving Club.

You! In the back! You can stop rolling your eyes right now! I have things! In my head! That aren’t brains! It has been an exhausting and injurious month. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

In better news, our Mo has been able to donate $1200 so far to my Bike MS ride (I can’t wait until my team puts in the matching amount!) and is waiting for VAT to be paid to donate the rest. Thank you to her, everyone who bought her patterns, and that thing that happened with the Ravelry Gods. So, if you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy now, go forth and wish her a happy birthday.

Happy Thursday y’all! Or something.

Freezing Farmgirl

A little over nine years ago, I came to Texas (the state) to visit Texas (the man) between his contracts. While here, I bought some yarn and started some mitts. It took me almost a year to finish them (because young love or something). From my notes, I apparently finished them while I was hospitalized for the first time for my NMO.

I’ve loved those mitts, and they show it. Felted in spots, holes in others. They’ve hauled wood, driven tractors, fed cows and chickens and ducks. They’ve been to CA and PA and Jersey. They’ve made long drives to Dallas and Nacogdoches. Tiny towns, metroplexes, camping, fishing, working, playing. They’ve done it all. They’ve been with me for my whole adventure here.

The time has come to replace them. I tried to make everyone knit some with me for CMMDI, but it didn’t work out. So here is the start of another pair that hopefully will last the next 9 years. I’m going with the same pattern because nostalgia and I like the simplicity. I do wish I had some appropriate red yarn, but I’ve had this Beaverslide for a while.

The yarn is far thicker than what I has before, and I will finish these, but I think I’ll be making another pair with lighter weight yarn. Hopefully I can whip out the second mitt before the next arctic front hits.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

Hello Beautiful New Year!

I finished exactly two fiber related projects last year. One a knit for someone else and one a woven scarf. I worked on a couple of knits, but frogged or forgot about most. I received my weaving club every two months and didn’t work on a single one. I did some cross stitch and embroidery. I spent time at the pool. I rode in the Sam’s Club Bike MS150. I did no Jiu Jitsu. I was sick for about half the year. I’m still down with the sickness and hope to have better answers next year. I broke a rib, my momma went septic on us. I almost gave up the blog and domain. It was an odd year. I think the word of the year was “apathetic”. It was like I just took a year off.

I’m not doing a whole “new year, new me” thing. I just need to get back on track.

Of course, January always means a month of CMMDI. Here’s a peek at everything I have laying around:

Yeah. I may also have a tiny addiction to JessaLu bags.

Happy New Year y’all!

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