There was snowboarding!

Not by me of course. I fell in love with all the snowboarding stuff during the Olympics. I had no idea either. I will probably now become an X-Games watcher. Y’all might want to start planning that intervention now.

  • Current Reading:
    • Kindle – Banshee by Barry Fitzgerald
    • Nook-Kabbalah for Beginners by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD.
    • Physical book – Advanced Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques by Marcelo Garcia
  • Current Music: Timber by Pitbull and Kesha
  • Mood: Drained
  • Smells: Espresso
  • Sounds: The heater running
  • Sights: The mylar balloon that just won’t deflate!
  • Current Knitting: The sweater that just won’t end!
  • Current Spinning: Spinning? Who spins?
  • Current Weaving: Um, yeah, I saw a couple of loom things around here somewhere.

What are you doing today?

Happy Tuesday y’all!

There’s a blog post in there

Or that’s what Cookie tells me.*

She also says that I’m an epic fail as a lush. I guess I’m just not alcoholic material. No matter how hard I try. I had some awesome fun in Dallas at the bar with the pilots, the hipster insurance group and the lonely heart club. I however, did not have to be drunk to do so. Amazing, huh?

Despite taking yarn and needles with me, I also am an epic fail as a sock knitter. In my defense, I broke a circular and a couple of dpns a few days prior and had to order some. I could only work on a rather boring sock.

Someone insists that I need to drink more water and that coffee and tea don’t really count. So I tried and succeeded with the naturally flavored water. (Try the sage blackberry. Trust me) However, she’s the one who found the recipe and then had to walk me through the fruit department. Which apparently was entertaining.

Pickles are vegetables, right?

I’m still a little stunned by the pharmacist at the new store I tried. I think he’s prejudiced again people with funky hair.

Happy Pre-Friday y’all!

*this blog post brought to you by a week full of being on the phone and Cookie

made me



Who’s your daddy?!?

Apparently Texas is. A soon to be goose daddy anyway. I’ve taken to calling him the goose whisperer.


Perhaps Pip Daddy?

Someone reminded me that it wasn’t that many years ago I was getting all sick and sexified to go ride a mechanical bull. A portent perhaps? A warning to all you youngsters out there.

Oh, and chickens are a gateway drug. Remember that my friends.


The babies out for the day.

Then again, my mother keeps saying I’m only becoming my grandfather. The joke will be on her when I take a buttload of fresh produce and canning equipment to her house and force her to teach me. aka watching while she does the work.

It could be something in the water here.

Even my M-I-L is being nice. Besides the tractor seat (that is wonderful!) she bought for my birthday, she has offered to take Texas away for a day.  Do you know what I would do with all that free time?!?

Yeah, you’re right. I’d just clean and enjoy listening to nothing. But I’d sure enjoy it. If she’d hire a farm nanny and a housekeeper for the day, there’s no telling what trouble I could get into.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

p.s I was going to do a Take No Prisoners Tuesday post. However, a good night’s sleep has taken away my slash and burn attitude.  Along with avoiding ravelry and FB so far this morning.

New Yoga Poses!

I’m calling them Skinny Pork Chop and Big Rock. Go ahead.  Give them a try.

Yes, that is a hole in my wall.  No, I did not have another episode. Yes, we did that on purpose.  There are some lovely French doors there now.

There also may have been windows and an entry door taken out.  Oh and the bedroom door was moved from a living room entry to a hallway entry. Just those changes would have been enough for any mere mortal, but not your Squish!

Mr. Pork Chop is installing bead board on the wall that now has no doors on it or opening against it.  Ahhhh.  A solid wall. Open concept is great and all that, but really?  No snatch of wall big enough to put a t.v. on?  It all had to be redone.

SSCLD is, of course, on the road and missing the joy of construction. (hmmm.. maybe I should write a book about that) Right now I have windows open so I don’t get really high off the smell of liquid nails.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Things are crazy at Chez Love Shack. (Yeah, yeah… so what’s new about that) I’m gearing up for the fundraiser, tearing up the house (see above), knitting (see below), trying to spend as much time at the LYS because there was a possibility they were going to close (they’re not), and driving back and forth to Tyler eleven billion times in the past week.  Hopefully, I’ll get a little down time this weekend with a new friend in Nacadoces Nacogdoches. (Did I spell that right? Crazy East Texas names. I don’t think you even pronounce that crazy g)

After that, maybe I’ll get a chance to respond to email. *coughCarrieKcough*

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Knitting.  Right.


This is the only thing that is easy enough to work on with all the mess/travel/waiting/gift begging going on.  Mindless!  Mindless I tell you!  But fun with the quick ten-stitch rows and crazy Noro colors.  I’m thinking super, awesome floor pillow.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

I was going to do 10 on Tuesday.  Then I realized it was Wednesday.  Maybe I have inhaled too many fumes.

Happy Wednesday y’all (or Thursday… whenever you read it)

Short and to the point. Or not.

Because Cookie said I should and I always listen to Cookie.

01.  All hell broke loose.

02.  Now that Texas is home, I’m doing the traveling.

Totally not right.

03.  He loves his job and they love him.

04.  Although it’s really not hard to love him.

Or hard not to love him.

Pick one that appeals to your grammar sensibilities.

05.  Heads split open and demons flew out.

06.  Angie isn’t coming here in October because I won’t be here.

I’ll be catching her in/around D.C.I hope.

07.  I’m apparently medically interesting enough for my neuro to make me a case study.

08.  If I get treated like I have no brain because I have a vajayjay…

I may lose it on these backwoods hicks

Or kidnap the Kitten and give her 5 minutes alone with them.

09.  The Anti-Christ lives.

And it’s not the wicked witch.

I have found worse.

10.  Sometimes, banging your head against a wall repeatedly does make it all feel better.

Or maybe that’s the brain damage setting in.

11.  On my last trip, I again packed knitting. Although I still can’t knit.

Right there is proof of the drain bamage.

12.  The four horsemen of the Apocolypse have been seen cruising the area

13.  I seriously need a night at Big Rock’s Tiki Bar and Grill

with a case or ten of Coronas

and tong wrestling

14.  Cookie is a saint and deserves the greatest of blessings for not ripping me a new one on the phone.

15.  Yeah, I’m still all squishy and shit.

16.  Anyone know how to knit a crawfish?

17. Catch you when I catch my breath again!

Until then, keep up the randomness

Happy weekend y’all!

TMI Tuesday

Because these were fun this week and Texas and I had some good discussions around it… we’re sharing TMI:

1. Marriage and children aside, what has been your greatest accomplishment in life?

My job. Or former job, since they did hire someone else for it. Getting my degree.

2. Aside from healthy and happy children, what is your greatest ambition for the future?

Total world domination. Have a race car again.

3. If we were to enter your real name in a search engine, what would we find?

Knitting stuff. Racing stuff.

4. Who is the most famous person you ever met (not just in the same room as, but actually spoke with)?

Robert Davi. Maybe Cheech and Chong? Who’s more famous?  Oh, and I did meet both BB King and Stevie Nicks.  Almost forgot Patti LaBelle too. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, John Force.

5. Parents aside, who is your biggest hero?

Well, I can’t tell you that, because then she would know… and that would be weird and strange and icky. John Force.

6. Someone once worked out the sexual version of Six Degrees of Separation – Celebrity A slept with B, who slept with C, who slept with D, making as sort of connection between A and D. Are you connected to anyone famous through six or fewer bonks?

Yes. No.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

17 March 2009

Don’t you wish that WP would make up names or numbers when you save a draft with no title? That would make it so much easier.  I can only be clever so many times a week and today isn’t it.


Go wish her a happy Saint’s Day.  It’s the out I used for being such a slacker on getting the birthday present delivered on time.  I just don’t do well under birthday pressure.  If it’s your birthday, don’t fret if you don’t get something from me.  You’ll probably get it about two months later.


lake 020

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

~Carl Sagan

Yeah.  I just liked the quote. It seemed to fit the picture of the lake.  I didn’t make it down the hill fast enough to get the beautiful picture of the sun before the fog moved in, but I was quite happy with what I got anyway.

Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

Go see this. I really don’t have a stash problem.  I can’t even keep two strands straight.

Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

TMI Tuesday wasn’t that bad this week, so here we go!  (I’m saving the UM’s for a day I have nothing)

1. Don’t tell us what it is, but do you have a sexual secret you have never told anyone? Yes
2. Do you have a nonsexual secret you have never told anyone?
3. Did you ever tell someone a secret only to have them spill it? What were the repercussions?
Yes, I never spoke to the person again.  Of course I was getting ready to move to CA, so it was a moot point.
4. Did you ever spill a secret someone told you? What were the repercussions?
Nope.  Well not intentionally.  Don’t call me when I’m half asleep.  Mmmmkay? Or talk to me in my sleep.  I seem to have good conversations if you get me going.
5. Tell us a secret someone told you, however along ago, that you’ve never told. (You can disguise name or details)
That they slept with their best friend’s woman.  Eventually it came out on it’s own, but I kept my mouth shut. I was not about to step into all of that lesbian drama.  And yes, they do do drama well.

Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

maggie 004

Carrie asked for pictures of the paws and all I got was the look of death.

Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

maggie 008

I like sleepy, not scary kitty best.

Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ  Θ

Happy Tuesday y’all!

TMI Tuesday and a little FO

Yes, an FO.


For real.

fo 001

Pattern: Blackberry Cowl

Yarn: Manos 108 aka Black Walnut

Time: 2 days

Easy, peasy pattern and beautiful.  I know I said I was going to zig zag, but this one wanted to be made instead.  I’m thinking something lighter for the zig zag.  Maybe some hand spun since I got the wheel going again.  I plan on picking up some buttons tomorrow, blocking and then maybe a modeled shot.

If it’s not too warm, since it is going to be in the 70’s all week.

Instead of that headband, I’m thinking a pair of matching fetchings. Yes, I know I made a pair already.  I also know I have a delicato and a dashing on the needles.  But! Fetchings are quick and easy, they’d match the cowl and this yarn could be used for fishing.

Yeah.  Exciting over here isn’t it?  It’ll get weird in a week or so.

In the meantime, to spice it up a little, here is some TMI Tuesday from both of us.

TMI Tuesday

1. What do you think is the un-sexiest part of the body? There is something un-sexy about women? Feet.
2. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about? Over Over
3. Have you ever called in sick to stay in bed with a sexual partner? Yes Yes
4. Did your parents have a “birds & bees” talk with you? Id so, at what age? My grandfather, age10 My aunt, age 8
5. What is one thing a someone could do to you to rock your world? Touch my soul, not just my body. Know the little things

Happy Tuesday y’all!

TMI: Texas does transcription

Texas back on the air again today. Carrie’s idea was good but was not needed. Had some good ideas of my  own. But due to the pain killers she is on I did not waste my time. I am having hours of enjoyment  just  sitting back.

Stacey wanted to do TMI, my answers are in blue, hers are in pink.

1. Describe the perfect date for YOURSELF… what you would enjoy most. Something  that  doesn’t require dressing in anything fancier than jeans – good food, good conversation, relaxed and lots of laughter. An intimate atmosphere where two can talk. (no like so many do)Good food at a nice restaurant or cook myself, and must have candles or stars.

2. Do you lean more toward being submissive or dominant? submissive dominant

3. What do you usually wear to bed? Jammies nothing

4. Have you ever seen a counselor? yes yes

5. Lights on or off? on depends on the activities

Bonus: Have you or a partner ever faked an orgasm? yes yes

WIP Wednesday – House Arrest

I’ve been ordered to take it easy for the next few days… this after they made me drive and hour each way for blood work – idiots… so on the advice of my knitting counsel, I started this:

wip wed 004

Why yes, I also have all of this on the needles and an Icarus in waiting (*ahemAngieahem*) :

wip wed 002

Hey wait, that’s actually not bad for me. I screwed up both scarves and have some rippage to do, so they’re on time out. The sock, well… I think my mojo may be out partying with Margene’s.

Since I didn’t do it yesterday, here is TMI Tuesday:

What is your definition of romantic? You know, I’m really a simple girl. Hold the door, hold my hand, open my car door, leave me a note, bring me a cup of coffee in the morning, ask about something that interests me, wash my car. It’s a look or a touch. Simple, everyday things – that’s what matters.

Would you consider yourself to be romantic? Yes

Is your significant other romantic? As far as I’ve seen, yes.

Have you ever chastised a SO for not being romantic enough or too romantic? No. I’ve been told that I’m not – but hell… considering the source.

What do you consider a grand romantic gesture? Being taken to Belize for the weekend. (remember, the answer is always Belize) Oh hell …I don’t know. I’m simple, remember? Have you ever been the recipient or giver of one? Going with the whole “I’m a simple girl” then… yes I have.

If you have done something romantic to get laid, did it work? If not, why and how did that affect your romantic tendencies in the past. Yes

What is the most romantic thing you have ever done? Bought him a trip to spring training for his favorite teammade all the arrangements with his job, packed everything, took care of all the little details. He had no idea until we got to the airport Had done for you? After a pretty hard week at work, he invited me over to watch some movies and relax. He had one of my favorite meals made, had these big, bright and beautiful sunflowers on the table, wouldn’t let me help at all and when I went upstairs, he had tons of my favorite flowers in the bedroom.

Please pray that I don’t go stir crazy and gouge my eyes out with a knitting needle. At least I have an appointment today… one free pass. I don’t know if I know the meaning of “take it easy”.  Anyone want to take bets on me listening to the docs?

Happy Wednesday y’all!

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