I think I was hit by a bus*


SoS ’13 is winding down. YEAH!!! I am one repeat and some ribbing from finishing one pair, have one footie completed and I finished the pair I started during SoS ’12.  Not bad for the arm. (Which I am going to address with a doctor, after much gnashing, wailing and denial)

made me

With that done, (and eating up 3 months of the year) we needed a plan. So for the September portion of Cookie Made Me Do It, after much** discussion, we’re veering down a different kind of fiber path. Needlework.

Needlework is a broad term for the handicrafts of decorative sewing and textile arts. Anything that uses a needle for construction can be called needlework. The definition may expand to include related textile crafts such as a crochet hook, or tatting shuttles.

Since the definition of it is pretty broad, all y’all can play along. You! Yes! I am talking to you.

Embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crocheting, and I think even weavettes should count since you use a needle to weave. Right?!?  And if we’re going down that road, since a crochet hook counts, couldn’t we technically say an orifice hook and some wool counts too?

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In other news, I really need to stop watching Monsters Inside Me. Or I need to make other people watch it with me. (They’re showing 5 or 6 in a row today) It’s interesting and informative, but DUDE!  People who may have certain tendencies for cleanliness probably shouldn’t watch it.

* It’s either the infusion, or someone actually did throw me under the bus somewhere. Just sayin’

**If by much, I mean one blog comment and an e-mail or two. Oh, and not actually asking Cookie this time since she’s busy and tired over there.

And so this is Sunday

A sockless Sunday. During SoS13. Shouldn’t I be knitting one or something? I kind of feel guilty for not having one to show. I mean SoS ends next weekend.

By the way, where did the summer go?

Apparently, I’m having an attack of Catholic guilt today.

I feel the need to apologize for not replying to my blog comments. I read them, I just figure I’ll answer them later, and then later becomes a couple of days or a week. By then, I figure the relevance of my response is nil, nada, zip, zilch.

I’m also feeling guilty about leaving for Dallas for a few days. There are always a ton of things that need to be done here on the farm and although Texas is an adult and can do them, I feel a responsibility to get things done. Of course, no one could ever live up to my standards for cleaning or doing things the proper way. (aka my way)

Granted, I am going  for my infusion, but I’ll be thinking about what may or may not be getting done.

In other news, there is a Brangus heifer on the loose in my neighborhood. She escaped from one of the local vets and there are missing poster ALL OVER TOWN. I’m hoping Texas spots her and brings her home. Although I suspect, she has already been found and relocated, witness protection style, into someone else’s herd.

Happy Sunday y’all

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