Freezing Farmgirl

A little over nine years ago, I came to Texas (the state) to visit Texas (the man) between his contracts. While here, I bought some yarn and started some mitts. It took me almost a year to finish them (because young love or something). From my notes, I apparently finished them while I was hospitalized for the first time for my NMO.

I’ve loved those mitts, and they show it. Felted in spots, holes in others. They’ve hauled wood, driven tractors, fed cows and chickens and ducks. They’ve been to CA and PA and Jersey. They’ve made long drives to Dallas and Nacogdoches. Tiny towns, metroplexes, camping, fishing, working, playing. They’ve done it all. They’ve been with me for my whole adventure here.

The time has come to replace them. I tried to make everyone knit some with me for CMMDI, but it didn’t work out. So here is the start of another pair that hopefully will last the next 9 years. I’m going with the same pattern because nostalgia and I like the simplicity. I do wish I had some appropriate red yarn, but I’ve had this Beaverslide for a while.

The yarn is far thicker than what I has before, and I will finish these, but I think I’ll be making another pair with lighter weight yarn. Hopefully I can whip out the second mitt before the next arctic front hits.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

Hello Beautiful New Year!

I finished exactly two fiber related projects last year. One a knit for someone else and one a woven scarf. I worked on a couple of knits, but frogged or forgot about most. I received my weaving club every two months and didn’t work on a single one. I did some cross stitch and embroidery. I spent time at the pool. I rode in the Sam’s Club Bike MS150. I did no Jiu Jitsu. I was sick for about half the year. I’m still down with the sickness and hope to have better answers next year. I broke a rib, my momma went septic on us. I almost gave up the blog and domain. It was an odd year. I think the word of the year was “apathetic”. It was like I just took a year off.

I’m not doing a whole “new year, new me” thing. I just need to get back on track.

Of course, January always means a month of CMMDI. Here’s a peek at everything I have laying around:

Yeah. I may also have a tiny addiction to JessaLu bags.

Happy New Year y’all!

Hai! Happy New Year?

Or should I say Happy Random Tuesday in January? I’m being held hostage by the promise of someone coming to fix the air conditioning. Because it might get to 80F this week. Homie don’t sleep hot. 

It is that time of year again. What used to be Cookie Made Me Do It has become Cow Made Me Do It.

So the Holy Mother of All Crankiness is making me clear out some of my WIPs and she made me cast on a sweater. In Noro. I must have committed some huge sin.*

I might, might, do a post of everything I finhed last year, but don’t hold your breath. What are you working on today.

Happy Tuesday y’all! 

* I’m actually enjoying knitting with some bigger yarn and the sin may be blaming her. However, she drug me into mittens years ago and will never live it down.

On the second day of January

My true love gave to me…. an FO because of an Aussie.

Hey, it rhymed. Julia shawl, details here. But I will tell you that it took almost a year to knit. Because life. Well, and ALL the stockinette was slightly boring.

I’m now “working” on the sweater I started last February. I only have a sleeve and the bottom edge to finish. Again, life. I’m trying to buckle down now that it is cold and the month that Cookie makes me do things. In case you were wondering, she’s been making me do things since 2013. I don’t care if she now wants to be a Cow, she’ll always be a crisp, yummy, chocolate chip with walnuts. Because I want nuts today. Yes, there is a joke in there somewhere.


Happy Wednesday y’all!

p.s. yes, I know it is the 6th.

See ya later 2015

Seven FOs for the year.  In there is my first sweater (about three years in the making) and some cotton socks that sucked my will to live.  There are the mitts and shawl that I had to make to match the hat I needed to knit to keep me warm after jiu jitsu. There’s the “sweaty cotton” washcloth (actually 2) that I took camping and finished at Hurricane Harbor. My favorite is the coffee hat. Lovely yarn, from a lovely friend ended with a fun and much loved knit.

In anticipation of the annual CMMDI, I tried to finish one more project.

8 rows and a cast off short. I do however predict it will be my first FO of 2016. I may have even dug out my the sweater that I cast on (and knit most of) right after I finished the first one.

Hope y’all have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve.

Hello April

I’m still not certain what happened to March, but I think it went something like this:

  • I went to L.A.
  • Saw a live UFC event
  • Had my Rituxan
  • Became more medically interesting
  • Celebrated Texas turning 35
  • Knit a bit on a sweater

I want to add more length, but I’m kind of tired of it.  However, I think I have a Julia, a pair of socks, and may have bought Romi’s 2015 Mystery Shawl. (I’m blaming Margene for this one) At least I know I’ll like it, since I love almost all of her designs.

Now I just have to pick my two colors. It is going to be Beaverslide, but I haven’t been able to narrow it down further than this:

Although, I am leaning towards the green and white or the purple and white.  What are you doing this weekend?

Happy Easter y’all!

She has broad shoulders


So I’ll let her take the blame.

I finished out my Manos trilogy with mitts and a scarf. I knit Texas a hat for his big head. Then, someone sent me yarn to make the coffee hat.


I’m thinking brown mitts with a blue cup at the wrist to match the hat. I may have a thing about matching my accessories. In the meantime, I’m cruising for a pattern that isn’t a mystery and still avoiding the sweater I said was going to finish.

Happy Tuesday y’all!

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